Friends of the Library

Welcome to the Friends! Since the opening of the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, the Friends have become a vital and integral part of the crew that brings you your library resources. To join the Friends and to find out more about them, visit their web site:

The Friends of the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library (click here!)

The Friends fund all museum passes that are provided to patrons.  They sponsor special events and programs offered at the library for both adults and children, and purchase special equipment, hardware and furniture.

The semi-annual book sales are special community events, offering a wide selection of good desirable used books, audio and video tapes. Dozens of Friends work together to make the book sale a happening event. Additionally, the Friends maintain a book sale area in the library throughout the year.

Donation days are on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., with some exceptions.  Please check the Library Calendar to confirm.  Patrons are invited to donate a maximum of 4 bags.  All donations MUST be dropped off at the Meeting Room doors (to the left of the main entrance). A Friends volunteer will be there to accept your donation.

Please read the revised Library Donation Guidelines.

If you have a donation larger than 4 bags please email the Friends at to make other arrangements.

Donations will NO LONGER be accepted at the main entrance of the Library. Do not leave donations in front of the building or in the book drop.


Through your membership contributions (of time and talent, as well as money), and donations of books for the sale, the Friends are able to provide the extra resources and improvements that make the Library the special place that it is! Come join your friends and neighbors and feel a true sense of pride and accomplishment as the Friends make a difference in our community.

All are welcome!

Please check the Library Calendar often for upcoming Friends’ meetings and events.

Friends Matter. Be Our Friend, and fill out our Membership Form to join.

Visit The Friends of the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library web site here.

Email the Friends at