
Current newspapers are kept in the Periodicals section of the first floor, with the exception of the Hamilton-Wenham Chronicle, which is available at the first floor Circulation desk and the second floor Reference desk.

Newspapers are recycled after one week, with the exception of the Boston Globe, Salem News, Chronicle & Transcript (which replaced the Hamilton-Wenham Chronicle), and Barron’s. Back issues of these papers are kept in the second floor Closed Stacks. The Boston Globe and Salem News are recycled after three months; back issues of the Chronicle & Transcript/Hamilton-Wenham Chronicle are kept in perpetuity.  The Chronicle & Transcript/Hamilton-Wenham Chronicle is available in both paper and microfilm format.

We treat Barron’s as an “honorary magazine”: issues are downstairs for the first six months, with older issues kept in Closed Stacks, and deleted after two years.  Barron’s is barcoded for circulation and can be checked out upon request.

Please ask a librarian for help in retrieving any newspapers from the Closed Stacks. Be prepared to offer some form of ID for the librarian to hold while you are using materials from the Closed Stacks.

Newspapers to which we subscribe:

Don’t forget:

You may also access articles from the Boston Globe (1980 to present), the New York Times, and thousands of magazine articles via EBSCOHost and InfoTrac, both available through our Electronic Resources page.  Or, register for a Boston Public Library eCard to access electronic newspaper and magazine holdings through the Boston Public Library.