Access for All – Library Services and Technology Grant
On July 7, 2022 the Library was awarded a two-year $14,000 grant through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. The Access for All grant is focused on improving accessibility to library services and programs to all members of the community. There are four key components to our grant, outlined below.
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology items allow the Library to address the needs of community members with hearing or vision loss. Circulating items include: handheld magnifiers, an electronic magnifier, a sound amplifier, and 10 Launchpands pre-loaded with brain games. Circulating assistive technology is located on the first floor of the library.
Patrons using the public computers upstairs may avail themselves of our two plug-and-play vertical mice for a different ergonomic mousing experience, or of our two high visibility keyboards.
Patrons may also inquire about the use of our Lion’s Club Enlarger or Perkins Digital Talking Book Players, on loan from the Perkins Braille and Talking Book Library. (PLEASE NOTE: Enlarger and talking book players were available at our library prior to receipt of the grant. See Library of Things and Fax, Copiers, Computers, etc. for more information.)
Memory Cafes and Memory Kits
Memory Cafes provide support and socializing for adults living with dementia or Alzheimer’s and their caregivers. These are held once a month at the library and each meeting will have an activity or presenter. Upcoming meetings scheduled so far include:
- Tues. Nov. 14, 10:30AM – 12:00PM: Staying Healthy Through the Winter. Read more
- Tues. Dec. 12, 10:30AM – 12:00PM: Accessible Yoga for All. Read more
- Tues. Jan. 9, 11:00AM – 12:00PM: Dance for Connection. Read more
- Tues. Feb. 13, 2:00 – 4:45PM: Ice Cream Social & Singin’ In the Rain. Read more
- Sat. March 9, 11:00AM – 12:00PM: Elvis Tribute Concert with Rick Anthony. Read more
Past Memory Cafes have included:
Puppies from Cape Ann Animal Aid (1/24/23) || Musician Adam McCauley (2/15/23) || Ventriloquist Kevin Driscoll (3/7/23) || Art Therapist Erica Curcio (4/11/23) || Mini Ponies and Donkeys (5/17/23) || Cooking and Nutrition Workshops with The Open Door (6/13/23) || Richard Hughes Silent Movies (7/11/23) || Regional Food Favorites with Therapy Gardens (8/8/23) || Music with Singer-Guitarist Howie Newman (9/12/23) || Chair Yoga with Roots to Wings (10/10/23)
Memory Kits are circulating sets of activities for adults living with dementia or Alzheimer’s and their caregivers. Each kit has a theme and includes various items to encourage engagement and discussion. Kits can be checked out for three weeks. Themes include: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Birds, America, Sports, Trains, Travel, and Pets. Memory Kits are located on the first floor of the library.
Home Delivery for Hamilton AND Wenham residents
The Library launched a pilot home delivery program for Wenham residents on January 9, 2023, which expanded to include Hamilton residents as of October 30, 2023. Please contact Head of Circulation and Reader Services Dede McManus (978-468-5577 ext. 610, [email protected]) for more information on this program.
Staff Training
Library staff will engage in training to offer the best possible service to the community. Staff participated in Dementia Friends Training in November 2022, Bystander Training in May 2023, and Disabilities Inclusion Training in October 2023.