Electronic Resources By Subject
Click here for a list of electronic resources organized by name.

Electronic resources with a star at the end* have been purchased by the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library. Some must be used within the library itself, via a library computer or a wi-fi equipped personal device (phone, tablet, etc.) Others may require you to enter your Hamilton-Wenham Public Library library card number, located on the back of your card.
All other electronic resources are funded by the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC), the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, and the Massachusetts Library System.
Are you a Hamilton, Wenham or other Massachusetts resident who does not have a physical library card and is unable to come into the library to get one? An MVLC eCard will grant immediate access to electronic resources funded by the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC), the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, and the Massachusetts Library System. Also, if you are a Massachusetts resident, please see the bottom of this page for information about getting a Boston Public Library eCard to access additional electronic resources through the Boston Public Library.
If you have any questions regarding these resources, please call the library at 978-468-5577, ext. 618.
For Auto & Home:
Consumer Reports*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Our library subscription to the Consumer Reports web site grants full access to unbiased product testing, ratings, research and more.
Driving Tests, In Partnership with Hamilton-Wenham Public Library*
Take free Massachusetts RMV practice tests at the Driving Tests web site. Car tests, motorcycle tests, CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) tests, and RMV manuals. Practice tests include hundreds of questions based on the RMV manuals and resemble those on the official learner’s permit exams.
Gardening and Horticulture (part of the Gale Collections)
Home Improvement (part of the Gale Collections)
For Books & Literature:
Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Heroes & Superheroes (part of the Salem Press collections)
Cyclopedia of Literary Characters (part of the Salem Press collections)
EBSCOhost [In the Library | Remote Access]
Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Looking for literary criticism, book suggestions or help with a school project? This is the place to start. Various resources include:
- Audiobook Collection (under EBSCOhost Research Databases)
- eBook Collection (under EBSCOhost Research Databases)
- NoveList K-8 Plus (reviews, information and recommendations for audiobook, fiction, and narrative nonfiction titles, grades K-8)
- NoveList Plus (reviews, information and recommendations for audiobook, fiction, and narrative nonfiction titles across all ages)
- GreenFILE
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
- Teacher Reference Center
Funded by the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
Gale Virtual Reference Library*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Start your research immediately with nearly 800 nonfiction eBooks across a wide range of topics in Arts, Biography, Business, Education, the Environment, General Reference, History, Law, and much much more.
Use your preferred email address, Hamilton-Wenham Public Library card and library PIN number or password to create an account, then sign in any time using your email address and password.
Hoopla is a digital media service that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer or device of choice. You can borrow up to four items per month.
Literature Resource Center (part of the Gale Collections)
OCLC® WorldCat*
Online access in the library, and Remote access.
WorldCat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide.
Remote Access. To sign in, choose your library system from the dropdown menu, then use your Massachusetts library card to login. Residents of Hamilton-Wenham are considered to be Merrimack Valley patrons (MVLC.)
Enjoy downloadable eBooks, Audio Books, and Streaming Video. Download or stream across multiple devices using the Overdrive or Libby app, or go through the Overdrive web site above.
Funded by the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium.
Thanks to the Reciprocal Lending Agreement, you also have access to Overdrive holdings for seven other Massachusetts library systems in addition to MVLC: BPL, C/W MARS, CLAMS, MLN, NOBLE, OCLN and SAILS.
For Business, Finance and Law:
Business (part of the Gale Collections)
Careers in Law, Criminal Justice & Emergency Services (part of the Salem Press collections)
Criminal Justice (Gale OneFile) (part of the Gale Collections)
Economics and Theory (part of the Gale Collections)
Entrepreneurship (part of the Gale Collections)
Gale LegalForms – Mass (part of the Gale Collections)
Insurance and Liability (Gale OneFile) (part of the Gale Collections)
Leadership and Management (Gale Onefile) (part of the Gale Collections)
Morningstar Investment Research Center*
Log in using your Hamilton-Wenham library card number. Only one user can access Morningstar at a time. Please click the “End Session” button at the upper right corner of the web site when you are done. You will be automatically logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Morningstar supplies data and analysis on over 41,000 investments, along with analyst reports and ratings, market coverage and industry reports, and articles and videos on investing and personal finance.
If you use Morningstar:
You may be interested in Investing for the Long Run, available as a PDF or in print form.
NuWav Legal Documents*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
NuWav is a tool for creating professional-quality legal documents by answering questions to generate a completed form ready for printing and filing. Easy-to-browse categories include estate planning, real estate, personal finance and more.
Value Line*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number. Only one user can access Value Line at a time. Please click the “End Session” button at the upper right corner of the web site when you are done. You will be automatically logged out after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Stock analysis and investment research on companies, industries, markets and economies. Our library subscription includes the VLIS Current Issue, Summary & Index, Selection & Opinion, VLIS Rank Changes, and Supplementary Reports.
For Careers and Education:
Careers in Chemistry (part of the Salem Press collections)
Careers in Hospitality & Tourism (part of the Salem Press collections)
Careers in Law, Criminal Justice & Emergency Services (part of the Salem Press collections)
Careers in Physics (part of the Salem Press collections)
Careers in Social Media (part of the Salem Press collections)
Careers Outdoors (part of the Salem Press collections)
Careers Overseas (part of the Salem Press collections)
Driving Tests, In Partnership with Hamilton-Wenham Public Library*
Take free Massachusetts RMV practice tests at the Driving Tests web site. Car tests, motorcycle tests, CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) tests, and RMV manuals. Practice tests include hundreds of questions based on the RMV manuals and resemble those on the official learner’s permit exams.
EBSCOhost placeholder
Encyclopedia Britannica
Includes the Encyclopedia Britannica, Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Atlases, World Data, Timelines, Notable Quotations, and more.
- Britannica Library Suite
- Britannica Library: Reference Center
- Britannica Library Young Adults
- Britannica Library: Children
- Britannica Moderna
- Online School Edition
- Elementary School Edition
- Middle School Edition
- High School Edition
- Fundamentals
- Spanish Edition: Escolar (K-8)
- Spanish Edition: Elementary
- Spanish Edition: Middle
Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
Gale Virtual Reference Library*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Start your research immediately with nearly 800 nonfiction eBooks across a wide range of topics in Arts, Biography, Business, Education, the Environment, General Reference, History, Law, and much much more.
JSTOR – Early Journal Content
JSTOR journal content published before 1923 in the United States and before 1870 elsewhere is freely available to all. Early Journal Content spans the arts and humanities, economics and politics, and mathematics and other sciences. It represents 6% of the content on JSTOR.
Available from JSTOR via the Internet Archive.
Leadership and Management (Gale Onefile) (part of the Gale Collections)
Mango Languages*
Remote access. Use your preferred email address and your Hamilton-Wenham Public Library card number to create an account, then sign in any time to return to where you left off.
Conversation-based instruction in over 70 different languages! Use spoken lessons, recorded responses, quiz slides, color-mapping, and grammar and culture notes to build vocabulary, fine-tune pronunciation, identify patterns, and more.
For the children:
Little Pim is a Mango product for ages 3 – 6. Choose the language you are interested in, then see if it offers “Explore” as an option (upper left, between “Learn” and “Tools.”) If Little Pim is available, it will be in “Explore.” Some of the languages that include Little Pim are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.
Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context) (part of the Gale Collections)
PebbleGo is an educational hub designed for students K-3 that supports early literacy with read-aloud audio. This subscription includes modules for Animals and Biographies, with access to hundreds of articles, activities, and videos.
Peterson’s Career Prep (Gale Presents) (part of the Gale Collections)
Peterson’s Test Prep (Gale Presents) (part of the Gale Collections)
Research Companion
This multimedia-based information literacy resource offers tools and videos to help researchers find, evaluate and use information.
Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Transparent Languages for Libraries
Sign up by using a unique login name and password to create an account. Email address is optional but not required.
Build vocabulary, practice skills, and maintain what you have learned with Transparent Language Online, available anytime, anywhere in 110+ languages.
Vocations and Careers (part of the Gale Collections)
For Digital Downloads and Streaming:
Log in using your Hamilton-Wenham library card number and the PIN or password that you use to log into your library account.
Our library subscription to Freegal will grant you up to five downloads per week, and eight hours of streaming per day. For additional questions, click here.
Use your preferred email address, Hamilton-Wenham Public Library card and library PIN number or password to create an account, then sign in any time using your email address and password.
Hoopla is a digital media service that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer or device of choice. You can borrow up to four items per month.
Use your preferred email address, Hamilton-Wenham library card and library PIN number or password to create an account, then sign in any time using your email address and password.
Kanopy is a media service for viewing critically-acclaimed movies, documentaries, foreign films and more, available for streaming across multiple devices. Users can borrow up to six items per month. Your Kanopy account will also give you access to Kanopy Kids.
Remote Access. To sign in, choose your library system from the dropdown menu, then use your Massachusetts library card to login. Residents of Hamilton-Wenham are considered to be Merrimack Valley patrons (MVLC.)
Enjoy downloadable eBooks, Audio Books, and Streaming Video. Download or stream across multiple devices using the Overdrive or Libby app, or go through the Overdrive web site above.
Funded by the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium.
Thanks to the Reciprocal Lending Agreement, you also have access to Overdrive holdings for seven other Massachusetts library systems in addition to MVLC: BPL, C/W MARS, CLAMS, MLN, NOBLE, OCLN and SAILS.
For Genealogy and Biography:
American Ancestors (formerly New England Ancestors)*
Online access in the library. This link will only work on our public library computers or via our library’s wireless internet.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society’s new web site reflects its expanding national collection and resources. This collection of resources features over 110 million names, gleaned from church records, newspapers and periodicals, city and town directories, court records, census, tax, and voter lists, diaries and journals, land records, military records, published genealogies and biographies and more.
Ancestry Library Edition*
Online access in the library. This link will only work on our public library computers or via our library’s wireless internet.
Includes the U.S. Census, U.S. Data Collection, UK & Ireland Collection, and Immigration Collection.
Biography (part of the Gale Collections)
HeritageQuest Online
Online access in the library, and Remote access.
Includes the U.S. Census, Periodical Source Index (PERSI), Revolutionary War Pension Records, Freedman’s Bank Records.
Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Gale Virtual Reference Library*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Start your research immediately with nearly 800 nonfiction eBooks across a wide range of topics in Arts, Biography, Business, Education, the Environment, General Reference, History, Law, and much much more.
For Geography, Travel and Languages:
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central and South America (part of the Salem Press collections)
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central, South and Southeast Asia (part of the Salem Press collections)
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Western Europe (part of the Salem Press collections)
Global Issues (part of the Gale Collections)
Global Road Warrior*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Includes country overviews, detailed maps, travel information, financial information, security, and much more.
Lonely Planet eBooks (part of Overdrive)
Mango Languages*
Remote access. Use your preferred email address and your Hamilton-Wenham Public Library card number to create an account, then sign in any time to return to where you left off.
Conversation-based instruction in over 70 different languages! Use spoken lessons, recorded responses, quiz slides, color-mapping, and grammar and culture notes to build vocabulary, fine-tune pronunciation, identify patterns, and more.
For the children:
Little Pim is a Mango product for ages 3 – 6. Choose the language you are interested in, then see if it offers “Explore” as an option (upper left, between “Learn” and “Tools.”) If Little Pim is available, it will be in “Explore.” Some of the languages that include Little Pim are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.
Nations of the World*
Online access in the library, and Remote access.
This comprehensive Political, Economic & Business Handbook profiles every nation and self-governing territory around the world.
Profiles of Massachusetts*
Online access in the library, and Remote access.
See at-a-glance physical characteristics of towns and cities throughout Massachusetts, or open the profiles for individual towns, cities, and counties for detailed information about their weather, population, and more.
Transparent Languages for Libraries
Sign up by using a unique login name and password to create an account. Email address is optional but not required.
Build vocabulary, practice skills, and maintain what you have learned with Transparent Language Online, available anytime, anywhere in 110+ languages.
For Health & Medicine:
Addictions, Substance Abuse & Alcoholism (part of the Salem Press collections)
Gale Health and Wellness (part of the Gale Collections)
Genetics and Inherited Conditions (part of the Salem Press collections)
Health and Medicine (part of the Gale Collections)
Nursing and Allied Health (part of the Gale Collections)
Nutrition (part of the Salem Press collections)
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (part of the Gale Collections)
Psychology (part of the Gale Collections)
Infectious Diseases & Conditions (part of the Salem Press collections)
Magill’s Medical Guide (part of the Salem Press collections)
Psychology & Behavioral Health (part of the Salem Press collections)
For History:
American Book of Days (part of the Salem Press collections)
Constitutional Amendments (part of the Salem Press collections)
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central and South America (part of the Salem Press collections)
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central, South and Southeast Asia (part of the Salem Press collections)
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Western Europe (part of the Salem Press collections)
Gale Virtual Reference Library*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Start your research immediately with nearly 800 nonfiction eBooks across a wide range of topics in Arts, Biography, Business, Education, the Environment, General Reference, History, Law, and much much more.
Global Issues (part of the Gale Collections)
Milestone Documents in American History (part of the Salem Press collections)
Milestone Documents in World History (part of the Salem Press collections)
U.S. History (part of the Gale Collections)
World History (part of the Gale Collections)
For Magazines and Newspapers:
The Boston Globe (from Proquest)
Indexed coverage for the Globe from 1980 to the present, available to you at no charge.
Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
News (part of the Gale Collections)
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Current and archived content for media publications. Our subscription includes three products:
- America’s News
- Boston Metropolitan Collection (including the current Chronicle & Transcript)
- Hamilton-Wenham Chronicle (2005 – 2019)
New York Times [In the Library | Remote Access]
In Library Use will require you to register (or click “Log in” if you already have an account) while at a library computer or using a laptop or personal device within the library. For Remote Access, click the link above and redeem the code given, then register or log in.
Access both contemporary and archival articles from the New York Times, by browsing the daily home page or using the search function for targeted searching. Older articles can be viewed in the “TimesMachine” to be seen in their original context; or, download a high-resolution PDF of the individual article.
The New York Times (part of the Gale Collections)
Popular Magazines (part of the Gale Collections)
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium website provides access to the online library catalog, MVLC member library websites, and other MVLC member library services.
For Movies, Music and TV:
Log in using your Hamilton-Wenham library card number and the PIN or password that you use to log into your library account.
Our library subscription to Freegal will grant you up to five downloads per week, and eight hours of streaming per day. For additional questions, click here.
Use your preferred email address, Hamilton-Wenham Public Library card and library PIN number or password to create an account, then sign in any time using your email address and password.
Hoopla is a digital media service that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer or device of choice. You can borrow up to four items per month.
Use your preferred email address, Hamilton-Wenham library card and library PIN number or password to create an account, then sign in any time using your email address and password.
Kanopy is a media service for viewing critically-acclaimed movies, documentaries, foreign films and more, available for streaming across multiple devices. Users can borrow up to six items per month. Your Kanopy account will also give you access to Kanopy Kids.
For Reference:
EBSCOhost placeholder
Encyclopedia Britannica
Includes the Encyclopedia Britannica, Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Atlases, World Data, Timelines, Notable Quotations, and more.
- Britannica Library Suite
- Britannica Library: Reference Center
- Britannica Library Young Adults
- Britannica Library: Children
- Online School Edition
- Elementary School Edition
- Middle School Edition
- High School Edition
- Fundamentals
- Spanish Edition: Escolar (K-8)
- Spanish Edition: Elementary
- Spanish Edition: Middle
Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Start your research immediately with nearly 800 nonfiction eBooks across a wide range of topics in Arts, Biography, Business, Education, the Environment, General Reference, History, Law, and much much more.
Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
This digital counterpart of our seventeen-volume print encyclopedia provides detailed information about families and species across the animal kingdom.
InfoTrac® PowerSearch
PowerSearch makes it possible to search multiple Gale periodical collections at once. For a more targeted starting point, visit one of the individual collections listed below, or click here for a visual table of the collections.
- Academic OneFile (Gale)
- Academic OneFile Select (Gale)
- Agriculture (Gale OneFile)
- Biography (Gale in Context)
- Business (Gale OneFile)
- Communications and Mass Media (Gale OneFile)
- Criminal Justice (Gale OneFile)
- Culinary Arts (Gale OneFile)
- Diversity Studies (Gale OneFile)
- Economics and Theory (Gale OneFile)
- Educator’s Reference Complete (Gale OneFile)
- Elementary (Gale in Context)
- Environmental Studies (Gale in Context)
- Environmental Studies and Policy (Gale OneFile)
- Entrepreneurship (Gale Business)
- Fine Arts (Gale OneFile)
- Gardening and Horticulture (Gale OneFile)
- Gale LegalForms – Mass
- Gender Studies (Gale OneFile)
- General OneFile (Gale)
- Global Issues (Gale in Context)
- Health and Medicine (Gale OneFile)
- Health and Wellness with Alternative Health Module (Gale)
- High School Edition (Gale OneFile)
- Home Improvement (Gale OneFile)
- Hospitality and Tourism (Gale OneFile)
- Information Science (Gale OneFile)
- Insurance and Liability (Gale OneFile)
- Leadership and Management (Gale Onefile)
- Literature Resource Center
- Middle School (Gale in Context)
- Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile)
- New York Times, The
- News (Gale OneFile)
- Nursing and Allied Health (Gale OneFile)
- Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context)
- Peterson’s Career Prep (Gale Presents)
- Peterson’s Test Prep (Gale Presents)
- Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (Gale OneFile)
- Pop Culture Studies (Gale OneFile)
- Popular Magazines (Gale OneFile)
- Power Search (Gale)
- Power Search – Publication Search (Gale)
- Psychology (Gale OneFile)
- Religion and Philosophy (Gale OneFile)
- Science (Gale in Context)
- Science (Gale Interactive)
- U.S. History (Gale in Context)
- Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile)
- War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile)
- World History (Gale in Context)
Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
Salem Press*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
This is not information about Salem! These are online versions of print reference resources from the publishing company Salem Press:
- Addictions, Substance Abuse & Alcoholism
- American Book of Days
- Careers in Chemistry
- Careers in Hospitality & Tourism
- Careers in Law, Criminal Justice & Emergency Services
- Careers in Physics
- Careers in Social Media
- Careers Outdoors
- Careers Overseas
- Constitutional Amendments
- Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central and South America
- Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central, South and Southeast Asia
- Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Western Europe
- Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Heroes & Superheroes
- Cyclopedia of Literary Characters
- Famous First Facts
- The 50 States
- Genetics and Inherited Conditions
- The Gun Debate
- Infectious Diseases & Conditions
- Magill’s Medical Guide
- Milestone Documents in American History
- Milestone Documents in World History
- Nations of the World
- Nutrition
- Principles of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
- Privacy Rights in the Digital Age, 2nd Edition
- Profiles of Massachusetts
- Psychology & Behavioral Health
Research Companion
This multimedia-based information literacy resource offers tools and videos to help researchers find, evaluate and use information.
Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
For Science and Technology:
Careers in Chemistry (part of the Salem Press collections)
Careers in Physics (part of the Salem Press collections)
Consumer Reports*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Our library subscription to the Consumer Reports web site grants full access to unbiased product testing, ratings, research and more.
Environmental Studies and Policy (part of the Gale Collections)
Environmental Studies (Gale in Context) (part of the Gale Collections)
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
Start your research immediately with nearly 800 nonfiction eBooks across a wide range of topics in Arts, Biography, Business, Education, the Environment, General Reference, History, Law, and much much more.
Gale General OneFile (part of the Gale Collections)
Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia*
Online access in the library, and Remote access. Remote access will require your Hamilton-Wenham library card number.
This digital counterpart of our seventeen-volume print encyclopedia provides detailed information about families and species across the animal kingdom.
Journals of the American Physical Society
Online access in the library. This link will only work on our public library computers or via our library’s wireless internet.
This collection of journals contains letters and review articles within the science of physics, and includes the following publications (links will only work in the library):
- Physical Review Letters (PRL): brief important papers, all topics in physics
- Physical Review A: atomic, molecular, and optical physics
- Physical Review B: condensed matter and materials physics
- Physical Review C: nuclear physics
- Physical Review D: particles, fields, gravitation and cosmology
- Physical Review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics
- Reviews of Modern Physics: in-depth articles, all topics in physics
- Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams
- Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research
- Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA): archive of APS journals back to 1893
Nutrition (part of the Salem Press collections)
Principles of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence (part of the Salem Press collections)
Privacy Rights in the Digital Age, 2nd Edition (part of the Salem Press collections)
Science Database
A definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences, with coverage dating back to 1986, ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text, for a total of over 2.7M records.
Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Science in Context (part of the Gale Collections)
Science (Gale Interactive) (part of the Gale Collections)
MVLC eCard
Are you a Hamilton, Wenham or other Massachusetts resident who does not have a physical library card and is unable to come into the library to get one? Consider registering online for an MVLC (Merrimack Valley Library Consortium) eCard. The MVLC eCard will grant immediate access to many electronic resources such as eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines, streaming music and video, and databases. You are eligible to apply for an MVLC library eCard if you:
- are a resident of Massachusetts, and
- do not currently have a library card from an MVLC member library or registered in MVLC.
Click here to learn more and to register for the MVLC eCard.
Please note: If you have a physical card that is already registered in MVLC, whether your card is from Hamilton-Wenham, another MVLC library, or a library from anywhere else in Massachusetts), you do not need the eCard. You already have full access to all electronic resources funded by the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC), the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, and the Massachusetts Library System. You also have the ability to check out physical books, DVDs, CDs and more in MVLC member libraries, which is something that an eCard does not provide. Please note also that many MVLC libraries, including Hamilton-Wenham, offer additional resources for patrons at the local level, funded by the individual library. For more information, please contact your local MVLC library.
If you are a Hamilton-Wenham resident who is able to visit the library in person, consider coming in person to get your physical Hamilton-Wenham Library Card.
Boston Public Library eCard
Do you live or work in Massachusetts? Are you 13 or older? Get a Boston Public Library (BPL) eCard and access the BPL’s wide variety of electronic holdings. If you have a regular physical library card with the BPL and you know the card number and PIN/password, you already have access to these resources. Otherwise, click here and “Register or Renew an eCard” today.
- Supply a valid email address when you register. The BPL will email you the number for your new eCard. Be sure to write down the number, and keep the email while you are at it.
- Your eCard will give you access to downloadable ebooks and multimedia, research databases, digital magazines through Zinio, streaming media through Hoopla, and more. The BPL Online A-Z Resources page is an absolute must. These are just some of the resources available to you:
- AtoZdatabases
- Barron’s
- Boston Globe (current edition)
- Flipster Digital Magazines
- LinkedIn Learning
- National Geographic Magazine
- O’Reilly
- Wall Street Journal (current edition)
- You can upgrade your eCard to a regular physical BPL library card at any Boston Public Library or Metro Boston Library Network location. Be sure to bring your driver’s license or other form of ID when applying for a library card.